"When you grow up surrounded
by willful ignorance, you have to believe that mercy has its own country and that it's round and borderless. And then
you have to grow wings and rise above it all" - Ani Difranco

Where I'm From:
Originally from Virginia. Moving
soon to Kentucky for college.
Favorite Color:
Seafoam Green and Pink!
Dream Job: Undercover
reporter for the NY Times :)
activism, Amelie, Ani Difranco, art, Barbies, butterflies, candles, chia tea, Chinese food, cities, civil rights, coffee, concerts, creative writing, Dar Williams, dares, daydreaming, earings, eggrolls, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, eyes, feminism, Fleetwood Mac, folk music, Fran Drescher, Garden State, Girl Interrupted, Grateful Dead, Halloween , hippies, literature, music, nature, peace signs, pineapples, playing in the rain, poetry, politics, reading, Righteous Babe Records, Sylvia Plath, theatre, Tori Amos, tree hugging, upward bound, white oleander, women's studies, writing